Caitlin Keefe

Caitlin Keefe - Profile Photo

Hi, I'm Caitlin! I'm an aspiring software developer in Haverhill, Massachusetts.

I realized at a young age that I have a passion for both learning and teaching. After high school I became a Preschool Teacher for about 5 years. While I loved teaching I ended up making a career change into the office world. I spent the next 5 years working at an equipment leasing company learning everything I could about the processes and procedures for multiple departments. Before long I was creating a delinquency calendar for the collections team and creating e-mail templates for multiple departments to use; among other things.

This left me wanting to know more about the technical side of things. Like the most efficient way to create and deploy the templates to the teams. What goes into creating a functional application or website. How buttons are added, updated or removed. At the end of June 2020 I enrolled as a student at Thinkful for Software Engineering and started my journey to become a software engineer! I can't wait to complete this bootcamp and start working as a professional software engineer with a team of experienced programmers to learn hands on from them and to share any new knowledge I have that they may not know.

A Little About Me

As a professional software engineer I hope to:

Do freelance work with small business owners to create the website of their dreams at an affordable rate.

Create and operate my own cooking website (this will be one of my projects to update below as it develops)

As my skills develop create more complex web applications.

When I'm not working I like to:

  • Cook up some new recipes
  • Try craft beers - if you know of any good coffee ones let me know!

So far I've noticed some similarities between coding and cooking:

  1. Much like a recipe, a website can require multiple "ingredients" of code before it's complete.
  2. If you forget or change one ingredient it can completely change the final result.
  3. You can get the same end result using different ingredients.
  4. The options are endless with both recipes and coding.



90s boyband quiz app

Test your knowledge of 90s boy bands with this 10 question quiz.

Wrong answers will show the correct answer.

There are 3 different result categories.

Tech stack:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Javascript
Were You a 90s boy band SUPERFAN?
90s Quiz App Repository

Find Me a Recipe

Users can see up to 10 random recipes. The recipes can be personalized with some customizations.

Results will include the ingredients, the source URL to take users to the original recipe and an image for each recipe if available.

Tech stack:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery
Find me a recipe!
Recipe App Repository

Hoppy Hunting

This is a brewery app that will allow users to save breweries that they want to try. Users are required to sign up to create a brewery list.

Tech Stack:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • ReactJS
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL


  • Chai
  • Mocha
  • Supertest
Hoppy Hunting
Hoppy Hunting Client Repository
Hoppy Hunting Server Repository

Dynamic Pizza Generator

This is a random pizza generator app that will allow users to generate random pizzas. Users can generate a completely random pizza or make a few personalizations. Users can generate pizzas without having to create an account but will need to create an account to save the pizzas.

Tech Stack:

  • HTML5
  • CSS
  • ReactJS
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • PostgreSQL


  • Chai
  • Mocha
  • Supertest
Dynamic Pizza Generator
Dynamic Pizza Client Repository
Dynamic Pizza Server Repository

Contact Me: